有機羅馬洋甘菊純露 100ml

Chamaemelum nobile

HK$ 139

Botanical Name:  Chamaemelum nobile
Origin: Certified Organic Artisan Distilled in France
Plant Part:  Flowers
Shelf Life: 2 Years
Aroma:  Similar to Chamomile Tea, slightly floral and honey sweet

Chamomile Roman Hydrosol is marvelous to minimize puffy eyes and dark circles by using cold compresses, easy as wetting two cotton pads and placing one under each eye for 10-15 minutes while resting.  

Because this anti-inflammatory hydrosol is so calming, gentle and safe it is the number one choice to use with infants and babies.  Excellent for baby wet wipes. 

Beneficial Uses of Chamomile Roman Hydrosol:
Add to baby bathwater (加入嬰兒洗澡水)
Stress, depression, insomnia & relaxation (舒緩壓力,抑鬱,失眠和放鬆)
Calms rashes and redness (平息皮疹和發紅)
Add to facial preparations and formulations (添加到面部配方)
Wrinkled and mature skin rejuvenating (皺紋和成熟的皮膚恢復活力)
Anti-allergic (抗過敏)
Eczema and Rosacea (濕疹和酒渣鼻)
Acne (痤瘡粉刺)
Wet wipes (濕紙巾)
Heat rash (熱疹痱子)
Makeup remover and toner (卸妝和爽膚水)
Calms itching (鎮靜瘙癢)
Soothe sensitive, red, irritated skin (舒緩敏感,紅,發炎的皮膚)

The shelf life of hydrosols is generally up to 2 years or longer when properly stored in the refrigerator. Our Organic Chamomile Roman Hydrosol does not contain any preservatives.

※ 用新產品前 , 先做皮膚測試,
※ 本產品僅限於外用,禁止使用於食品用途。
※ 建議裝填DIY產品前先消毒裝填的瓶罐,以免產品受到汙染。 
※ 請避光保存於陰涼處,保持瓶蓋確實關緊,並請遠離火源,避免孩童及寵物接觸。 
※ 請依個人肌膚狀況調整配方比例,並參考相關書籍。 


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