Country of Origin: South Africa
Grade: Super Fine Organic
Altitude: 1500 - 2500 feet above sea level
Infusion: Reddish orange color
Ingredients: organic rooibos leaf
Certified Organic by QMI Organic Inc.
Certificate #: 150 - 2008
Rooibos Tea is the product from South Africa’s unique red shrub species, with a pleasant and special vanilla fragrance high quality herbal tea. It is not only caffeine free, but it is also a natural sweetener with high levels of antioxidants. There are many beneficial substances, so it is also known as “longevity tea”. All Rooibos tea ingredients are certified organic. No artificial additives, no preservatives, and no artificial flavoring.
- 不含咖啡因,有鎮靜中樞神經系統的效果,適合有過敏、頭痛、失眠、神經緊張、輕微憂郁癥等人飲用。
- 可減輕如惡心、嘔吐、胃灼熱、胃潰瘍及便秘等胃及消化方面的毛病。
- 有抗抽筋的功效,因此可減輕嬰兒胃抽筋與胃絞痛等毛病。
- 有緩和皮膚過敏的效果,如果直接敷在受感染的皮膚上,皮膚癢、濕疹、挫瘡等都可減輕。
- 有抗氧化成分,減緩氧化作用,有助於延緩衰老,增強系統免疫能力。
- 含豐富的銅、鐵、鋅、氟 、鉀、錳和鎂等礦物質。
- 含有果酸(AHA)具有美容養顏的效果。
(一) 把茶包用食水沖洗一遍,放入茶杯內。
(二) 再注入約 90 'C 熱水冲泡,悶泡 2-3 分鐘,乘起茶包待回冲用。
(三) 可加入蜂蜜味道更佳,茶包可回沖 2-3 次或至無味。
温馨提示: 平均沖泡時間則不宜超過5分鐘,不然味道會澀或太濃。
保存期限:18個月 (未開封前)