山茶花籽油 (精煉) 100ml

Cold pressed, Extra Virgin,Refined

HK$ 98

Origin : China
Botanical Name: Camellia sinensis.
Extraction Method: Cold pressed, Extra Virgin,(Refined)
Obtained From: Seeds.
Organic: Made without pesticides, GMO's, or hexane.
Ingredients: Camellia seed oil, 100% Pure with NO additives or carriers added.
Color: Yellow to golden yellow liquid.
Aromatic Description: Has very little scent, characteristic of most carrier oils.

♦ Penetrates Quickly
♦ Highly Moisturizing
♦ Rich in Fatty & Essential Fatty Acids including up to 85% Oleic Acid ,
♦ Rich in Tocopherols (Vitamin E)
♦ Rich in Polyphenols
♦ Natural Antioxidant
♦ Restores Moisture Balance to Dry Skin
♦ Improves Complexion
♦ Enhances Radiance
♦ Softens Wrinkles and Tiny Age Lines
♦ Non-Comedogenic (Suitable for Oily/Acne Prone Skin)
♦ Conditions the Skin After Shaving
♦ Suitable for all Hair Types
♦ Reduces and Heals Scars
♦ Suitable for All Skin Types Including Allergy Prone Skin
♦ Promotes Hair Growth
♦ Softens Hair while adding shine

Shelf Life: Shelf life of 2 years with proper storage conditions (cool, out of direct sunlight). Refrigeration after opening is recommended.

※ 僅限於外用
※ 冷壓油液切勿高溫加熱,避免天然特性轉變。
※ 開封後,避光儲存於陰涼處,保持瓶口、瓶蓋清潔及確保關緊。
※ 請遠離火源,避免孩童及寵物拿取。
※ 請依個人肌膚狀況調整配方比例,並參考相關書籍。 
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※ 本公司提供之配方僅供參考。 
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