有機青瓜籽油 50ml

(Cucumis sativus)

HK$ 220

Country of Origin: Egypt
Botanical Name: Cucumis sativus
Extraction Method: Cold Pressed (Extra Virgin/Unrefined)
Obtained From: Seeds
Cultivation: Organic, Non-GMO

適合製作 : 精華油、按摩油、 唇膏、面霜

產品介紹 : 
- 含豐富維他命C,有美白功效
- 清爽不油膩,快速被皮膚吸收
- 減輕眼部浮腫及黑眼圈問題
- 豐富的omega-6脂肪酸:強效保濕、有助修復皮膚
- 有助對抗自由基,減輕肌膚泛紅及紓緩敏感

Features: 100% PURE. NO ADDITIVES. 
All Natural Ingredients, Ammonia-Free, Colorant-Free, Cruelty-free/No Animal Testing, Organic

Shelf Life: Users can expect a shelf life of 1 year with proper storage conditions (cool, out of direct sunlight). Refrigeration after opening is recommended.


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