維生素A棕櫚酸酯( Retinyl Palmitate ) 10g


HK$ 120

Country of Origin : USA
INCI Name: Retinyl palmitate
Grade:Cosmetic and Pharmaceutical Grade Preservatives 
Solubility: oil soluble
Recommended Usage: 0.25 - 0.75% 
(10ml products  add 1 drop)


備註 : 產品溫度低於30度時會結晶成固態,先放在溫水中融化後再使用

Use: Product crystallizes and become solid when the temperature is lower than 30 degrees, . put in warm water-bath to melt. can be added to formulas.

• 加速膠原蛋白增生,撫平細紋 
• 促進肌膚代謝,加速角質更新
• 淡化斑點,減少黑色素形成
• 改善青春痘及粉刺問題,淡化暗瘡印
• 改善毛孔粗大、使肌膚恢復光澤緊緻 
備註 : 溫度超過低於30度時會成固態

Animal Testing: Not animal tested
GMO: Not tested for GMOs
Vegan: Does not contain animal-derived components

※ 本站提供之圖片,僅供參考,產品包裝及內容依實際為主。


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