野生岩玫瑰精油 (西班牙) 5ml

(Cistus ladaniferus )

HK$ 340

Botanical Name - Cistus ladaniferus
Country of Origin - Spain
Extraction - Steam distillation 
Part of Plant - Leaves
Botanical Family - Cistaceae
Chemical Family - Monoterpenes
Perfume Note - Middle/Base

Uses - Astringent, clearing, purifying. Cistus essential oil is known for its wound healing abilities. Nourishing for the skin and excellent for mature complexions. Warming for the chest and clearing to the lungs. May help treat eczema and psoriasis. Uplifts the mood and relieves stress. Traditionally used in meditation as it soothes the mind.

用途: 抗病毒、抗感染、抗菌、促進傷口癒合、抗動脈炎、調節中樞神經。撫平細紋、抗皺。

使用禁忌 ►請勿口服或直接塗抹純精油。必須稀釋植物油使用。
♦ 避免長期或過量使用單一種類的純精油。
♦ 精油應放置兒童接觸不到的地方,慎防兒童自行使用。
♦ 各種疾病患者、孕婦、長者及嬰幼兒,請先咨詢專業芳療師及醫生的意見。
♦ 初次使用精油按摩時,先做皮膚測試,尤其是敏感肌膚。


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