黃金荷荷巴油 (冷壓/初榨/非精煉) (100ml)

Simmondsia chinensis

HK$ 158

Botanical Name: Simmondsia chinensis
Country of Origin:  Argentina, Israel, Panama, United States
Method of Extraction: Expeller Pressed
Processing Type: Unefined
Plant Part: Seeds
Shelf Life : 4 Years ( Store in a cool dry place protected from sunlight )
Light, Non Sticky, Long Shelf Life.

Skin Benefits: Moisturizes, Treats Disorders, Balances Oil Production, Reduces Wrinkles And Signs Of Aging, Effective In Treating Stubborn Acne, Reduces Inflammation, Works As A Good Cleanser, Can Be Used As A Body Oil, Heals Cracked Heels, Keeps Your Nails Healthy, Prevents Razor Burns, Makes Your Lips Soft, Reduces Pregnancy Stretch Marks.

Hair Benefits: Cleanses Scalp, Adds Shine, Helps Growth, Conditions, Excellent For Dry Scalp, Treats Oily Scalp, Helps In Maintaining Color.

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